One-shot an enemy, buff your entire team
- World Atlas start. (Upgrade to Bloodsong)
- Ardent Censer.
- Nashor’s Tooth.
- Staff of Flowing Water.
- Sorcerer’s Shoes.
- Cryptbloom.
- If you have an AP carry, you can go Staff of Flowing Water → Nashor’s Tooth → Ardent Censer.
- Ardent Censer and Nashor’s Tooth increase your on-hit damage.
- Nashor’s Tooth scales with AP. This means Staff of Flowing Water also increases your on-hit damage.
- Elixir of Sorcery increases your ap and is the best option for this build.
Summoner Spells
Ignite: Aggressive Summoner Spell. This allows you to solo kill carries.
Flash: Best Summoner Spell of the game. You should always pick it as Bard.